Linear Regression with PySpark

19 minute read


I’m running a Linear Regression on credit card data using PySpark. The objective is to create a regression that predicts credit card debt using several descriptive features. In a previous notebook I explored the dataset and reduced the features down to the few I wanted to test. The dataset itself is only 5000 rows but in the case that the dataset were too large to run on a single machine the data would need to be processed across several machines. Therefore I handle the feature transformations and regressions with PySpark as if this were the case.

Set Up

# importing packages
import findspark
import pyspark
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from import TrainValidationSplit, ParamGridBuilder, CrossValidator
from import LinearRegression
from import OneHotEncoder, VectorAssembler, StringIndexer
from import Pipeline
from import RegressionEvaluator
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, DoubleType

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Use this to change pandas row settings. Good for when I need to see entire dataset
# pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100)
# Selected features from earlier data exploration
columns = ['inccat', 'carcatvalue', 'default', 'empcat', 'agecat', 'cardtenurecat', 'card2tenurecat', 'retire', 'carown', 'jobsat', 'creddebt', 'income', 'othdebt', 'carvalue', 'debtinc', 'cardspent', 'card2spent', 'employ', 'tollten', 'wireten', 'cardtenure']

Below I inital Spark, import the data into the spark session and create a temporary view so that I can also query the data with SQL.

sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
# sc.stop()
spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession(sc)

data ='credit_card_regression_set.csv', header = True, inferSchema = True)


These are the variables decided during my initial exploration of the 130 features.

y = 'creddebt'

nums = ['income',

cats = ['inccat',

binary = ['default', 'retire']

Feature Engineering

Before I run the model I need to perform transformations that prepare the data for modeling. In this case It is mainly handling null values.

spark.sql("""SELECT inccat, carcatvalue,default, empcat, agecat, cardtenurecat, card2tenurecat, retire,carown, jobsat FROM data""" ).show()
|   2.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   1.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   1.0|
|   2.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   1.0|   3.0|          3.0|           3.0|   0.0|   0.0|   1.0|
|   4.0|       -1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           3.0|   0.0|  -1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        2.0|    0.0|   3.0|   5.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        3.0|    0.0|   4.0|   4.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   4.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   4.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   2.0|        2.0|    0.0|   3.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   3.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   3.0|          3.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   3.0|        2.0|    0.0|   4.0|   4.0|          1.0|           1.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   3.0|       -1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|  -1.0|   3.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   5.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           4.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   5.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|       -1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   3.0|          3.0|           3.0|   0.0|  -1.0|   1.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   3.0|   6.0|          3.0|           3.0|   1.0|   1.0|   3.0|
only showing top 20 rows

The categorical variables have null values listed as ‘-1.0’. These null values need to be handled in order for the regression to run correctly. In this case I decided to handle them to reassigning them to the most frequent value. The code below iterates through the categorical columns, queries the column for the most frequent value and replaces all null cases with that value.

for column in cats:
#     column = 'carcatvalue'
    data = data.withColumn(column, data[column].cast(StringType()))
    query = """SELECT {0}, COUNT({0}) as count FROM data GROUP BY {0} ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1 """.format(column)
    frequent = str(spark.sql(query).first()[0])
    data = data.withColumn(column, F.regexp_replace(column, '-1.0', frequent))
|   2.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   1.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   1.0|
|   2.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    1.0|   1.0|   2.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   1.0|   3.0|          3.0|           3.0|   0.0|   0.0|   1.0|
|   4.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           3.0|   0.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        2.0|    0.0|   3.0|   5.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        3.0|    0.0|   4.0|   4.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   4.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   2.0|
|   4.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   4.0|          2.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   2.0|        2.0|    0.0|   3.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   3.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   3.0|          3.0|           2.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   3.0|        2.0|    0.0|   4.0|   4.0|          1.0|           1.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   3.0|        1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   3.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   5.0|   6.0|          5.0|           5.0|   1.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   5.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           4.0|   0.0|   1.0|   5.0|
|   5.0|        3.0|    0.0|   5.0|   5.0|          5.0|           5.0|   0.0|   1.0|   4.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   2.0|   3.0|          3.0|           3.0|   0.0|   1.0|   1.0|
|   1.0|        1.0|    0.0|   3.0|   6.0|          3.0|           3.0|   1.0|   1.0|   3.0|
only showing top 20 rows

The numerical columns have a similar issue. Null values are listed as ‘-1.0’. I’ll use similar code except I will use the mean rather than the mode in the case of numeric features.

for column in nums:
    data = data.withColumn(column, data[column].cast(StringType()))
    query = """SELECT MEAN({0}) FROM data""".format(column)
    mean = str(spark.sql(query).first()[0])
    data = data.withColumn(column, data[column].cast(StringType()))
    data = data.withColumn(column, F.regexp_replace(column, '-1.0', mean))
    data = data.withColumn(column, data[column].cast(DoubleType()))
|income|othdebt|          carvalue|debtinc|cardspent|card2spent|employ|tollten|wireten|cardtenure|
|  31.0|   2.24|              14.3|   11.1|    81.66|      67.8|   0.0| 161.05|    0.0|       2.0|
|  15.0|   1.57|               6.8|   18.6|     42.6|     34.94|   0.0|    0.0|1683.55|       4.0|
|  35.0|   2.54|              18.8|    9.9|   184.22|    175.75|  16.0|    0.0|    0.0|      35.0|
|  20.0|   1.12|               8.7|    5.7|   340.99|     18.42|   0.0|    0.0|    0.0|       5.0|
|  23.0|   0.18|              10.6|    1.7|    255.1|    252.73|   1.0|  387.7|  410.8|       8.0|
| 107.0|   4.93|23.232580000000013|    5.6|   228.27|       0.0|  22.0|  726.6|    0.0|      18.0|
|  77.0|   0.96|              25.6|    1.9|   822.32|    130.14|  10.0|    0.0|    0.0|       3.0|
|  97.0|   8.02|              55.5|   14.4|    592.7|     712.1|  11.0| 1110.4|    0.0|      25.0|
|  16.0|   0.31|               8.6|    2.6|   326.59|    141.24|  15.0|    0.0|    0.0|      26.0|
|  84.0|   1.67|              41.0|    4.1|   199.64|    111.17|  19.0|    0.0|    0.0|       2.0|
|  47.0|   2.68|              28.0|    8.6|   488.97|    322.07|   8.0|    0.0|    0.0|      16.0|
|  19.0|   0.04|               9.3|    0.9|   338.26|     55.17|   4.0|    0.0|    0.0|       6.0|
|  73.0|   0.79|              38.5|    2.8|   534.36|    198.39|  12.0|    0.0|    0.0|       1.0|
|  63.0|   4.69|23.232580000000013|   10.5|    593.5|    384.94|   3.0| 1776.7|    0.0|      25.0|
|  17.0|   0.39|               9.3|    9.8|   233.17|     39.93|  27.0|    0.0|    0.0|      33.0|
|  23.0|    1.2|              11.6|    9.3|   297.47|     98.65|  31.0| 1919.0|3159.25|      40.0|
| 171.0|  14.44|              75.8|    9.5|   305.94|     96.23|  24.0|1444.65|1840.45|      19.0|
| 424.0|  32.26|              88.6|   10.7|   495.75|    798.31|  29.0|3165.45|    0.0|      36.0|
|  23.0|   0.91|23.232580000000013|    4.8|   442.09|    144.69|   4.0|1099.65|    0.0|      10.0|
|  22.0|   2.65|              10.8|   15.2|     8.11|       0.0|  10.0|    0.0|    0.0|      10.0|
only showing top 20 rows
data_train, data_test = data.randomSplit([.80, .20], seed = 4)

Creating the Pipeline

With the data clean enough for modeling I need to create a pipeline that runs the regression. Techincally this process includes additional feature engineering as the categorical variables need to be indexed and one hot encoded. Finally, all of the features need to be assembled into a single vector that PySpark is capable of reading.

# Index and encoding objects
index_list = [cat +'_idx' for cat in cats]
string_index = StringIndexer(inputCols = cats, outputCols = index_list)

encoded_list = [cat + '_encoded' for cat in cats]
one_h_encode = OneHotEncoder(inputCols = index_list, outputCols = encoded_list)
# This code block allows me to decide features. I comment the extend methods that I wish to exclude when running the model
inputs = []
# This code creates the assembler and regression objects.

assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols = inputs, outputCol = 'features')

regression = LinearRegression(labelCol='creddebt')

# pipeline object contains previously created objects
pipepline = Pipeline(stages = [string_index, one_h_encode, assembler, regression])

# model object fits the pipeline to the training data. predictions
model =

predictions = model.transform(data_test)


The table below shows the model predictions compared to the actual credit debt. ‘Creddebt’ is listed in the thousands. Therefore in the case of the first observation, the model predicted that this observation with an actual debt of 140 dollars would actually be about 600 dollars in debt.['creddebt','prediction']).show()
|creddebt|          prediction|
|    0.14|  0.6093043679675625|
|    0.24| 0.43905437552333204|
|    0.52|0.012254495737605176|
|    0.39|   1.507075165380026|
|    1.13|   3.206200072134242|
|    0.02| -0.7176964758160933|
|    0.45|  0.8612760486636706|
|    2.46|  2.5064292029472672|
|    6.61|   4.050840955195323|
|   44.25|   13.44364556197883|
|    0.15| -0.5992770881744303|
|    8.15|    5.87001498551057|
|    0.39|-0.26548513694924303|
|    0.78|  1.7494149226058622|
|    0.34| -0.4892234737470511|
|   29.47|   9.280357979257039|
|    0.11| 0.22478571931758262|
|    4.73|   6.389449128368286|
|    0.78|  1.3024720830240581|
|    1.77|   1.021364413293012|
only showing top 20 rows
# Evaluation checks the total error of the model based on an evaluation metric in this case the metric is  root mean squared error
evaluation = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'rmse', labelCol='creddebt').evaluate(predictions)



I created a dataframe and a function to add the results of each prediction to my model to document the models improvement as I change parameters and features.

metrics = pd.DataFrame({'model': [], 'rmse':[], 'mse' : []})
# metrics.to_csv('metrics.csv')
# metrics = pd.read_csv('metrics.csv')
# metrics = metrics.iloc[:,1:]
# These functions evaluate the rmse and mse of the column and add them to my metrics dataframe.
def add_row(df, row):
    df.loc[len(df)] = row

def add_model_metrics(df, model_name, predictions):
    rmse = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'rmse', labelCol='creddebt').evaluate(predictions)
    mse = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'mse', labelCol='creddebt').evaluate(predictions)

    row = [model_name, rmse, mse]

    add_row(df, row)
# add_model_metrics(metrics, 'nums_and_cats', predictions)

These are the first two models I ran one with only the numerical variables and a second with both the numerical and categorical variables. The first model has a rmse of 2.275 which suggests that the model is off by about 2270 dollars on average. With the categorical variables, the model is 60 dollars more effective on average when predicted on the test data.

model rmse mse
0 num_only 2.275009 5.175667
1 nums_and_cats 2.215407 4.908026

Additional Features

Cross Validation

Adding cross validation (5 fold) to potentially increase model performance. Code below is similar to previous pipeline code with some additions for cross validation.

index_list = [cat +'_idx' for cat in cats]
string_index = StringIndexer(inputCols = cats, outputCols = index_list)

encoded_list = [cat + '_encoded' for cat in cats]

one_h_encode = OneHotEncoder(inputCols = index_list, outputCols = encoded_list)

assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols = inputs, outputCol = 'features')

regression = LinearRegression(labelCol='creddebt')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [string_index, one_h_encode, assembler, regression])

evaluator = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'rmse', labelCol='creddebt')

paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder().build()

cvModel = CrossValidator(estimator = pipeline, evaluator = evaluator, numFolds = 4, estimatorParamMaps = paramGrid)

cvModel =, data_train)

predictions = cvModel.transform(data_test)
add_model_metrics(metrics, 'all_vars_cv_1', predictions)
model rmse mse
0 num_only 2.275009 5.175667
1 nums_and_cats 2.215407 4.908026
2 all_vars_cv_1 2.215407 4.908026

It appears that cross validation had no effect on the model performance.

Log Transformation

There are a few feature adjustments that I could potentially improve the model. First, some of the continuous variables aren’t normally distributed. Applying a log transformation to some of the continuous variables notably changed the distribution to be more normal.

to_be_logged = ['income',

reg_nums = ['debtinc',

log_nums = ['log_' + column for column in to_be_logged]
# This code goes through the to_be_logged list and applies the log transformation.
from pyspark.sql.functions import log
for column in to_be_logged:
    data = data.withColumn('log_' + column, log(data[column] + 1))
# Have to reinitialize training data to include new log values.
data_train, data_test = data.randomSplit([.80, .20], seed = 4)
# Ran this three times once with only continuous and a second time with categorical variables third time with both log and continuous
inputs = []
index_list = [cat +'_idx' for cat in cats]

string_index = StringIndexer(inputCols = cats, outputCols = index_list)

encoded_list = [cat + '_encoded' for cat in cats]

one_h_encode = OneHotEncoder(inputCols = index_list, outputCols = encoded_list)

assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols = inputs, outputCol = 'features')

regression = LinearRegression(labelCol='creddebt')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [string_index, one_h_encode, assembler, regression])

evaluator = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'rmse', labelCol='creddebt')

paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder().build()

cvModel = CrossValidator(estimator = pipeline, evaluator = evaluator, numFolds = 4, estimatorParamMaps = paramGrid)

cvModel =, data_train)

predictions = cvModel.transform(data_test)
# log only['creddebt','prediction']).show()
|creddebt|          prediction|
|    0.14|   1.647075423659162|
|    0.24|  0.6398959925978822|
|    0.52|  1.0997906096953702|
|    0.39|  0.3504364866826766|
|    1.13|  2.9820424472769513|
|    0.02| -1.9022647714346022|
|    0.45|  0.7227840152447431|
|    2.46|  3.6401236181581247|
|    6.61|   4.143968229124148|
|   44.25|   9.636200858653792|
|    0.15|   -1.18055814271729|
|    8.15|   7.317615336208826|
|    0.39| -0.4845952073333475|
|    0.78|  1.3886183932839593|
|    0.34|  -0.342778877833398|
|   29.47|   8.245049772042242|
|    0.11|-0.11961579436530378|
|    4.73|   4.785692639501264|
|    0.78|-0.01416733325522...|
|    1.77|   1.573471743150824|
only showing top 20 rows
# logs_and_cats['creddebt','prediction']).show()
|creddebt|         prediction|
|    0.14| 1.2884720002611854|
|    0.24|-0.1333820961933423|
|    0.52| 0.6504041999093033|
|    0.39| 1.1970963328240192|
|    1.13| 2.7496023407588517|
|    0.02|-1.4263460324400405|
|    0.45|  -0.19447120947091|
|    2.46|  3.573529458318564|
|    6.61|   5.61117129623733|
|   44.25| 10.727084238308777|
|    0.15|-2.0566687769911294|
|    8.15|  7.613715198840104|
|    0.39|-1.2405597564490094|
|    0.78| 2.6866694377778852|
|    0.34| -1.012504694987344|
|   29.47|  9.559866729767748|
|    0.11|-0.5206746091395491|
|    4.73| 5.0217777453217884|
|    0.78| 0.7543957441303526|
|    1.77|   0.81080977472668|
only showing top 20 rows
# nums_logs_and_cats['creddebt','prediction']).show()
|creddebt|         prediction|
|    0.14|0.49792826424154235|
|    0.24|0.41489351806923125|
|    0.52| 1.1100405323315137|
|    0.39| 1.0485681882122222|
|    1.13| 1.8889272517262299|
|    0.02|-0.6776597182744579|
|    0.45|0.48076946156178746|
|    2.46| 3.4513634556554464|
|    6.61|  4.029615100979548|
|   44.25| 14.408801210838694|
|    0.15|-0.8155181450877169|
|    8.15|  7.228276573264578|
|    0.39|-0.1515153538643217|
|    0.78| 0.9778442365562707|
|    0.34|0.41171528082751685|
|   29.47| 10.902899075433812|
|    0.11|-0.5355067880359905|
|    4.73|  5.778526907345183|
|    0.78|  1.628078117979622|
|    1.77| 1.4989848161401254|
only showing top 20 rows
add_model_metrics(metrics, 'nums_logs_and_cats', predictions)
model rmse mse
0 num_only 2.275009 5.175667
1 nums_and_cats 2.215407 4.908026
2 all_vars_cv_1 2.215407 4.908026
3 num_only_log 2.335687 5.455432
4 logs_and_cats 2.252368 5.073160
5 nums_logs_and_cats 2.085990 4.351353

Running all of the continous, log adjusted variables, and categorical variables together seems to have gained the best overall performance.


The last thing I will try is a grid search with some hyperparameter adjustments. This will include the regularization weight along with the elastic net which balances between the l1 and l2 regularization types. I will add the best iteration to my metrics dataframe.

index_list = [cat +'_idx' for cat in cats]
string_index = StringIndexer(inputCols = cats, outputCols = index_list)

encoded_list = [cat + '_encoded' for cat in cats]

one_h_encode = OneHotEncoder(inputCols = index_list, outputCols = encoded_list)

assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols = inputs, outputCol = 'features')

regression = LinearRegression(labelCol='creddebt')

pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [string_index, one_h_encode, assembler, regression])

evaluator = RegressionEvaluator(metricName = 'rmse', labelCol='creddebt')

paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder().addGrid(regression.regParam, [0.1, 0.01, .001]).addGrid(regression.fitIntercept, [True])
paramGrid = paramGrid.addGrid(regression.elasticNetParam, [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]).build()

cvModel = CrossValidator(estimator = pipeline, evaluator = evaluator, numFolds = 4, estimatorParamMaps = paramGrid)

cvModel =, data_train)

predictions = cvModel.transform(data_test)
add_model_metrics(metrics, 'original_logs_cats_hyper_tuned', predictions)
model rmse mse
0 num_only 2.275009 5.175667
1 nums_and_cats 2.215407 4.908026
2 all_vars_cv_1 2.215407 4.908026
3 num_only_log 2.335687 5.455432
4 logs_and_cats 2.252368 5.073160
5 nums_logs_and_cats 2.085990 4.351353
6 original_logs_cats_hyper_tuned 2.101103 4.414633
print('Best Regularization Parameter: ', cvModel.bestModel.stages[-1]._java_obj.parent().getRegParam())
print('Best ElasticNet Parameter: ',cvModel.bestModel.stages[-1]._java_obj.parent().getElasticNetParam())

Best Regularization Parameter:  0.1
Best ElasticNet Parameter:  0.0

The model chosen was a ridge regression with a strength of .1. Although it performs worse than the previous model it is likely that the ridge regression is more generalizable. I’ll stick with this as the final model when interpreting variables.

Best Model Interpretation

In order to interpret the model I will run a final regression in pandas using the determined parameters. This will allow me to visualize and interpret the coefficients at a more individual level.

pd_data_train = data_train.toPandas()
pd_data_test = data_test.toPandas()
inputs = []
inputs = set(inputs)

pd_data_train = pd_data_train[inputs]
pd_data_test = pd_data_test[inputs]
pd_data_train = pd.get_dummies(pd_data_train)
X_train = pd_data_train.drop('creddebt', axis = 1)
y_train = pd_data_train['creddebt']
pd_data_test = pd.get_dummies(pd_data_test)
X_test = pd_data_test.drop('creddebt', axis = 1)
y_test = pd_data_test['creddebt']
debtinc card2spent income log_card2spent log_income cardtenure wireten carvalue tollten log_tollten ... jobsat_1.0 jobsat_2.0 jobsat_3.0 jobsat_4.0 jobsat_5.0 empcat_1.0 empcat_2.0 empcat_3.0 empcat_4.0 empcat_5.0
0 2.0 114.70 85.0 4.751001 4.454347 15.0 621.90 43.10000 554.75 6.320319 ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 13.1 66.60 39.0 4.213608 3.688879 31.0 0.00 10.00000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 6.2 394.15 138.0 5.979265 4.934474 1.0 30.05 66.20000 20.50 3.068053 ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
3 25.1 197.63 63.0 5.291444 4.158883 17.0 0.00 39.30000 0.00 0.000000 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
4 9.2 214.91 37.0 5.374862 3.637586 19.0 0.00 15.80000 0.00 0.000000 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3982 5.9 839.40 84.0 6.733878 4.442651 15.0 887.50 30.60000 557.55 6.325344 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3983 0.8 156.35 47.0 5.058473 3.871201 19.0 0.00 22.40000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
3984 1.3 84.25 31.0 4.445588 3.465736 9.0 0.00 17.10000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
3985 19.5 56.98 26.0 4.060098 3.295837 6.0 0.00 11.60000 0.00 0.000000 ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
3986 13.4 211.04 36.0 5.356775 3.610918 3.0 380.15 23.23258 108.85 4.699116 ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

3987 rows × 58 columns

from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
lr = ElasticNet(.1, 0), y_train)
C:\Users\Allen\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\ FutureWarning: Pass l1_ratio=0 as keyword args. From version 0.25 passing these as positional arguments will result in an error
C:\Users\Allen\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ ConvergenceWarning: Objective did not converge. You might want to increase the number of iterations. Duality gap: 8504.175821644329, tolerance: 4.811267459974919

ElasticNet(alpha=0.1, l1_ratio=0)
predictions = lr.predict(X_test)

Below I create a dataframe with the coefficient data. I create a column ‘sign’ that is meant to record whether or not the variable is positive or negative. I also create a ‘coefficient_abs’ column which transforms the variable into its absolute value. These columns will be useful for visualizing and comparing all of the features based on their impact and usefulness to the model.

coefficient_data = pd.DataFrame({'feature' : X_train.columns, 'coefficient' : lr.coef_})

coefficient_data = coefficient_data.sort_values('coefficient', ascending = False)

coefficient_data['sign'] = coefficient_data['coefficient'].apply(lambda n: 'positive' if n > 0 else 'negative')

coefficient_data['coefficient_abs'] = coefficient_data['coefficient'].apply(lambda n: np.abs(n))

feature coefficient sign coefficient_abs
34 default_1.0 0.362657 positive 0.362657
14 log_carvalue 0.204723 positive 0.204723
0 debtinc 0.202457 positive 0.202457
15 othdebt 0.126545 positive 0.126545
20 inccat_3.0 0.123089 positive 0.123089
19 inccat_2.0 0.094148 positive 0.094148
10 log_employ 0.083809 positive 0.083809
51 jobsat_5.0 0.076830 positive 0.076830
54 empcat_3.0 0.076712 positive 0.076712
30 agecat_6.0 0.067036 positive 0.067036
25 carcatvalue_3.0 0.062675 positive 0.062675
21 inccat_4.0 0.052980 positive 0.052980
45 card2tenurecat_4.0 0.049983 positive 0.049983
55 empcat_4.0 0.049716 positive 0.049716
2 income 0.049407 positive 0.049407
13 log_wireten 0.027120 positive 0.027120
50 jobsat_4.0 0.026380 positive 0.026380
24 carcatvalue_2.0 0.025407 positive 0.025407
37 cardtenurecat_1.0 0.018748 positive 0.018748
28 agecat_4.0 0.018213 positive 0.018213
35 retire_0.0 0.016799 positive 0.016799
42 card2tenurecat_1.0 0.016073 positive 0.016073
41 cardtenurecat_5.0 0.015285 positive 0.015285
32 carown_1.0 0.011392 positive 0.011392
38 cardtenurecat_2.0 0.009653 positive 0.009653
16 cardspent 0.000938 positive 0.000938
5 cardtenure 0.000441 positive 0.000441
1 card2spent 0.000240 positive 0.000240
8 tollten 0.000107 positive 0.000107
6 wireten -0.000143 negative 0.000143
12 employ -0.004097 negative 0.004097
39 cardtenurecat_3.0 -0.010948 negative 0.010948
31 carown_0.0 -0.011392 negative 0.011392
47 jobsat_1.0 -0.013124 negative 0.013124
36 retire_1.0 -0.016799 negative 0.016799
43 card2tenurecat_2.0 -0.016905 negative 0.016905
44 card2tenurecat_3.0 -0.020578 negative 0.020578
26 agecat_2.0 -0.020901 negative 0.020901
27 agecat_3.0 -0.022236 negative 0.022236
3 log_card2spent -0.026547 negative 0.026547
9 log_tollten -0.027404 negative 0.027404
56 empcat_5.0 -0.027905 negative 0.027905
46 card2tenurecat_5.0 -0.028574 negative 0.028574
7 carvalue -0.031053 negative 0.031053
40 cardtenurecat_4.0 -0.032739 negative 0.032739
48 jobsat_2.0 -0.040003 negative 0.040003
52 empcat_1.0 -0.041940 negative 0.041940
29 agecat_5.0 -0.042112 negative 0.042112
49 jobsat_3.0 -0.050082 negative 0.050082
53 empcat_2.0 -0.056583 negative 0.056583
18 inccat_1.0 -0.069737 negative 0.069737
23 carcatvalue_1.0 -0.088082 negative 0.088082
4 log_income -0.145739 negative 0.145739
22 inccat_5.0 -0.200480 negative 0.200480
17 log_cardspent -0.205127 negative 0.205127
33 default_0.0 -0.362657 negative 0.362657
11 log_othdebt -1.202853 negative 1.202853
coefficient coefficient_abs
count 57.000000 57.000000
mean -0.016617 0.082216
std 0.188638 0.170250
min -1.202853 0.000107
25% -0.028574 0.016799
50% 0.000107 0.031053
75% 0.049407 0.076712
max 0.362657 1.202853

Looking at the coefficient data I decide that using the 75% marker on the magnitude makes the most sense and filter at coefficients that don’t have a beta value larger than .07. I then visualize these ‘impactful coefficients’ below.

impactful_coefs = coefficient_data[coefficient_data['coefficient_abs'] > .07]
non_impactful_coefs = coefficient_data[coefficient_data['coefficient_abs'] < .07]
feature coefficient sign coefficient_abs
34 default_1.0 0.362657 positive 0.362657
14 log_carvalue 0.204723 positive 0.204723
0 debtinc 0.202457 positive 0.202457
15 othdebt 0.126545 positive 0.126545
20 inccat_3.0 0.123089 positive 0.123089
19 inccat_2.0 0.094148 positive 0.094148
10 log_employ 0.083809 positive 0.083809
51 jobsat_5.0 0.076830 positive 0.076830
54 empcat_3.0 0.076712 positive 0.076712
23 carcatvalue_1.0 -0.088082 negative 0.088082
4 log_income -0.145739 negative 0.145739
22 inccat_5.0 -0.200480 negative 0.200480
17 log_cardspent -0.205127 negative 0.205127
33 default_0.0 -0.362657 negative 0.362657
11 log_othdebt -1.202853 negative 1.202853
impactful_coefs = impactful_coefs.sort_values('coefficient_abs', ascending = False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,5))
plot = sns.barplot(data = impactful_coefs.head(15), x = 'feature', y = 'coefficient_abs', hue = 'sign', hue_order = ['positive', 'negative'])
plt.title('Feature Weights')
ticks = plot.set_xticklabels(plot.get_xticklabels(),rotation = 90)

linearly separable data

feature coefficient sign coefficient_abs
30 agecat_6.0 0.067036 positive 0.067036
25 carcatvalue_3.0 0.062675 positive 0.062675
21 inccat_4.0 0.052980 positive 0.052980
45 card2tenurecat_4.0 0.049983 positive 0.049983
55 empcat_4.0 0.049716 positive 0.049716
2 income 0.049407 positive 0.049407
13 log_wireten 0.027120 positive 0.027120
50 jobsat_4.0 0.026380 positive 0.026380
24 carcatvalue_2.0 0.025407 positive 0.025407
37 cardtenurecat_1.0 0.018748 positive 0.018748
28 agecat_4.0 0.018213 positive 0.018213
35 retire_0.0 0.016799 positive 0.016799
42 card2tenurecat_1.0 0.016073 positive 0.016073
41 cardtenurecat_5.0 0.015285 positive 0.015285
32 carown_1.0 0.011392 positive 0.011392
38 cardtenurecat_2.0 0.009653 positive 0.009653
16 cardspent 0.000938 positive 0.000938
5 cardtenure 0.000441 positive 0.000441
1 card2spent 0.000240 positive 0.000240
8 tollten 0.000107 positive 0.000107
6 wireten -0.000143 negative 0.000143
12 employ -0.004097 negative 0.004097
39 cardtenurecat_3.0 -0.010948 negative 0.010948
31 carown_0.0 -0.011392 negative 0.011392
47 jobsat_1.0 -0.013124 negative 0.013124
36 retire_1.0 -0.016799 negative 0.016799
43 card2tenurecat_2.0 -0.016905 negative 0.016905
44 card2tenurecat_3.0 -0.020578 negative 0.020578
26 agecat_2.0 -0.020901 negative 0.020901
27 agecat_3.0 -0.022236 negative 0.022236
3 log_card2spent -0.026547 negative 0.026547
9 log_tollten -0.027404 negative 0.027404
56 empcat_5.0 -0.027905 negative 0.027905
46 card2tenurecat_5.0 -0.028574 negative 0.028574
7 carvalue -0.031053 negative 0.031053
40 cardtenurecat_4.0 -0.032739 negative 0.032739
48 jobsat_2.0 -0.040003 negative 0.040003
52 empcat_1.0 -0.041940 negative 0.041940
29 agecat_5.0 -0.042112 negative 0.042112
49 jobsat_3.0 -0.050082 negative 0.050082
53 empcat_2.0 -0.056583 negative 0.056583
18 inccat_1.0 -0.069737 negative 0.069737
model rmse mse
0 num_only 2.275009 5.175667
1 nums_and_cats 2.215407 4.908026
2 all_vars_cv_1 2.215407 4.908026
3 num_only_log 2.335687 5.455432
4 logs_and_cats 2.252368 5.073160
5 nums_logs_and_cats 2.085990 4.351353
6 original_logs_cats_hyper_tuned 2.101103 4.414633
# metrics.to_csv('metrics.csv')

Analysis and Conclusion

The model results mostly seem intuitive. Other debt, whether or not you’ve ever defaulted, and amount spent on card last month are sensible indicators for credit card debt. On the lower end, it seems to be interesting that variables related to employment and job security indicate more credit debt.

There’s likely alot more hyper parameter tuning that can be done to develop a model with less error. Along with that features excluded in my analysis could be included and features determined to be useless could be excluded in a new model. A gradient boosting model could also be run with regression trees to see if they are generally more efffective.